Whether you’re looking to graduate early, within the standard four years, or trying to get ahead in your coursework, the course of action you take is virtually the same. If you take advantage of the suggestions below then you can complete your college curriculum within any time frame.
Take AP Classes in High School
Try and take as many AP classes in high school as possible. Students who take AP classes can earn college credits or receive advanced placement upon entry into college, based on their AP Exam scores. These college credits will allow you to get a head start on your major. Some students opt to take upper level courses with this opportunity, others pursue a double major because their required coursework per semester is not as strict, and some will use the credits received to lighten their course load and take fewer courses per semester.
Take Summer Classes at Your College or University
Use the summer to your advantage and take one or two summer classes at your college or university. These classes can be electives or core courses applicable to your major. This is a great opportunity to get ahead and to spread out your course load. Taking summer classes allows you to focus more attention on one subject at a time and for some, can allow for vast improvement grade wise. Taking summer classes at your college or university will also guarantee the acceptance of credits and grades received.
Take a Course Away or an Online Course
If you can’t take a summer class at your college, think about taking a course away at a community college or taking a course online. However, you must pay particular attention to the policies of your college or university. Many times, colleges and universities require students to fill out forms with the course name and description they wish to take at another school. These courses must be approved by administration in order for credits to be accepted and transferred to the students’ primary college or university. This should be taken advantage of during the summertime, as well.
Take a Winter / Spring Intensive
Check to see if your college or university offers winter and spring intensives. Intensives are courses that are delivered in consecutive full-day sessions for one week or for five Saturdays in a row. This is a great way to complete a required course quickly and efficiently.
Use your Pass/Fail Elective in a Semester Where Your Course Load is Increased
Some colleges and universities give students a pass/fail option. Though the policies differ from school to school, generally students can only use pass/fail for elective classes. This allows students to take a more challenging elective without the risk of jeopardizing their GPA. Instead of receiving a grade for the class, students will simply receive a P for pass or an F for fail. When opting to use a pass/fail option, consider increasing your course load that semester. Taking six classes as oppose to five will allow you to get ahead in your work.
By taking advantage of any of these suggestions, you can lighten your course load during the year while still graduating on time, or you can expedite the process and graduate early!
About the author: Alecia Coleman is currently a senior at Bentley University . She is majoring in Accountancy and minoring in Law. She was recently a recipient of the MSCPA Women’s in Accounting Scholarship and intends to get her Master’s in Accountancy at Bentley University, as well.
About Smart Track™ Toolkit: The toolkit is a web based service that assists families with everything from admissions and test prep, to student athletics and financial aid. Our intuitive software and on-demand workshops are key components to making sure students find their top choice colleges, and families can afford to send them there.